I think we’re in a dangerous world, one with perils ahead for which we’re not at all prepared, one where we’re likely to make an irrecoverable mistake and all die.
@Kelsey, by “likely” here do you mean >50%?
And specifically, are you >50% on extinction from AI in the next 100 years? (even though you didn’t say AI or the next 100 years in that sentence, I assumed that’s what you had in mind based on earlier context).
Also totally fine if you don’t want to share your exact credence publicly. (I haven’t reflected on whether that seems like a good or bad thing for you to do.)
@Kelsey, by “likely” here do you mean >50%?
And specifically, are you >50% on extinction from AI in the next 100 years? (even though you didn’t say AI or the next 100 years in that sentence, I assumed that’s what you had in mind based on earlier context).
Also totally fine if you don’t want to share your exact credence publicly. (I haven’t reflected on whether that seems like a good or bad thing for you to do.)