1- If one had e.g. the 10th and 90th percentiles instead of the 5th and 95th, would Guesstimate and Squiggle be able to model the distribution in one line? I think one of the major upsides of Python is its flexibility...
2- I agree that converting the quantiles to distribution parameters is the main hurdle. With that in mind, I posted this roughly 1 week ago.
3- Using this spreadsheet to determine the distribution parameters mu and sigma (as explained in the post linked just above), it is also possible to calculate the distribution with one line: transfer_efficiency = np.random.lognormal(mu, sigma, N_samples)
Thanks for the reply!
0- Thanks for sharing the post about minor nuisances!
1- If one had e.g. the 10th and 90th percentiles instead of the 5th and 95th, would Guesstimate and Squiggle be able to model the distribution in one line? I think one of the major upsides of Python is its flexibility...
2- I agree that converting the quantiles to distribution parameters is the main hurdle. With that in mind, I posted this roughly 1 week ago.
3- Using this spreadsheet to determine the distribution parameters mu and sigma (as explained in the post linked just above), it is also possible to calculate the distribution with one line:
transfer_efficiency = np.random.lognormal(mu, sigma, N_samples)