This is a really interesting framework. If you’re interested in diving into some ideas for more transformative social change I think I can recommend a few, though I’m not that knowledgeable about them.
Participatory Economics or Parecon—if nothing else it does seem pretty detailed from what I can gather. Very theory based in terms of a blueprint for a possible society. Bolo ’bolo is another theoretical but specific example like this, but in a different direction.
Democratic Confederalism in Rojava/the Democratic Forces of Northern Syria. I think this one can be harder to find info on, but it’s a current real world movement example. There are some books and articles on it. The Manifesto for a Democratic Civilization series and Sociology of Freedom go more into the philosophy side rather than the existing on-the-ground specifics. The Zapatistas are another real world movement example.
This is a really interesting framework. If you’re interested in diving into some ideas for more transformative social change I think I can recommend a few, though I’m not that knowledgeable about them.
Participatory Economics or Parecon—if nothing else it does seem pretty detailed from what I can gather. Very theory based in terms of a blueprint for a possible society. Bolo ’bolo is another theoretical but specific example like this, but in a different direction.
Democratic Confederalism in Rojava/the Democratic Forces of Northern Syria. I think this one can be harder to find info on, but it’s a current real world movement example. There are some books and articles on it. The Manifesto for a Democratic Civilization series and Sociology of Freedom go more into the philosophy side rather than the existing on-the-ground specifics. The Zapatistas are another real world movement example.
The Catalan Integral Cooperative is a specific organization practicing a more commons based socioeconomic system. (Also see Elinor Ostrom and others who have detailed effectively governed commons around the world and the principles they operate under).
Cooperation Jackson is another kind of organization level ecosystem example.
If you find these useful, I could probably think of a few more examples.