I would guess there are many other related movements. For instance, I recently found this article about Comte. Much of it also sounds somewhat EA-ish:
[T]he socialist philosopher Henri de Saint-Simon attempted to analyze the causes of social change, and how social order can be achieved. He suggested that there is a pattern to social progress, and that society goes through a number of different stages. But it was his protégé Auguste Comte who developed this idea into a comprehensive approach to the study of society on scientific principles, which he initially called “social physics” but later described as “sociology.”
Comte was a child of the Enlightenment, and his thinking was rooted in the ideals of the Age of Reason, with its rational, objective focus. [...] He had seen the power of science to transform: scientific discoveries had provided the technological advances that brought about the Industrial Revolution and created the modern world he lived in. The time had come, he said, for a social science that would not only give us an understanding of the mechanisms of social order and social change, but also provide us with the means of transforming society, in the same way that the physical sciences had helped to modify our physical environment.
The article also says that Comte was supported monetarily by (famous utilitarian) John Stuart Mill and how he changed his mind in later life and started some religious movement.
I guess Scientific Charity Movement is special in that it (like EA) doesn’t focus on systemic change.
I would guess there are many other related movements. For instance, I recently found this article about Comte. Much of it also sounds somewhat EA-ish:
The article also says that Comte was supported monetarily by (famous utilitarian) John Stuart Mill and how he changed his mind in later life and started some religious movement.
I guess Scientific Charity Movement is special in that it (like EA) doesn’t focus on systemic change.