Thanks a lot for the write-up! Seems like there’s a bunch of extremely promising grants in here. And I’m really happy to see that the EAIF is scaling up grantmaking so much. I’m particularly excited about the grants to HIA, CLTR and to James Aung & Emma Abele’s project.
And thanks for putting in so much effort into the write-up, it’s really valuable to see the detailed thought process behind grants and makes me feel much more comfortable with future donations to EAIF. I particularly appreciated this for the children’s book grant, I went from being strongly skeptical to tentatively excited by the write-up.
Thanks a lot for the write-up! Seems like there’s a bunch of extremely promising grants in here. And I’m really happy to see that the EAIF is scaling up grantmaking so much. I’m particularly excited about the grants to HIA, CLTR and to James Aung & Emma Abele’s project.
And thanks for putting in so much effort into the write-up, it’s really valuable to see the detailed thought process behind grants and makes me feel much more comfortable with future donations to EAIF. I particularly appreciated this for the children’s book grant, I went from being strongly skeptical to tentatively excited by the write-up.