I find it unusual that this end of year review contains barely any details of things you’ve actually done this year. Why should donors consider your organization as opposed to other AI risk orgs?
You’re right that this post is light on details. Much of our energy over the past year has gone into “revving up.” That includes hiring and spinning up new teams, moving into a larger office space, and working on “rock content” comms projects which will be announced later. In the meantime, some places to check out our public-facing output include our newsletters, TGT’s new website, and a forthcoming post with more details about the media stuff we’ve done recently.
Regarding the donor question, that’s totally fair! While we welcome any donations now, we think it’s reasonable for donors to wait until we make a proper call for funds next year.
I find it unusual that this end of year review contains barely any details of things you’ve actually done this year. Why should donors consider your organization as opposed to other AI risk orgs?
Hi, I’m part of the communications team at MIRI.
You’re right that this post is light on details. Much of our energy over the past year has gone into “revving up.” That includes hiring and spinning up new teams, moving into a larger office space, and working on “rock content” comms projects which will be announced later. In the meantime, some places to check out our public-facing output include our newsletters, TGT’s new website, and a forthcoming post with more details about the media stuff we’ve done recently.
Regarding the donor question, that’s totally fair! While we welcome any donations now, we think it’s reasonable for donors to wait until we make a proper call for funds next year.