I think the calculator you mentioned is kinda… broken. I notice that the local cost of living is ignored and no recommendation is given for incomes under $40,000 USD (or rather the recommendation is “we recommend giving whatever you feel you can afford without undue hardship”). A “well-paying” job in a LMIC is usually below $40,000/year. My highest gross income ever was about $100,000 CAD, and for this they recommend a 1% donation. Nah, I’ll stick with 10%+ thanks. You have to make over $83,000 USD for the recommendation to inch past 1%.
I think the calculator you mentioned is kinda… broken. I notice that the local cost of living is ignored and no recommendation is given for incomes under $40,000 USD (or rather the recommendation is “we recommend giving whatever you feel you can afford without undue hardship”). A “well-paying” job in a LMIC is usually below $40,000/year. My highest gross income ever was about $100,000 CAD, and for this they recommend a 1% donation. Nah, I’ll stick with 10%+ thanks. You have to make over $83,000 USD for the recommendation to inch past 1%.