That’s an interesting idea, I’m thinking about the best way to model it. I think what you’d want to do is to calculate the safe withdrawal rate for different portfolios and see which is best. The problem is, we don’t have enough historical data to get good results, so we’d have to do simulations. But those simulations couldn’t assume that returns follow a log-normal distribution, because the fact that assets tend to experience big drawdowns substantially affects the safe withdrawal rate.
That’s an interesting idea, I’m thinking about the best way to model it. I think what you’d want to do is to calculate the safe withdrawal rate for different portfolios and see which is best. The problem is, we don’t have enough historical data to get good results, so we’d have to do simulations. But those simulations couldn’t assume that returns follow a log-normal distribution, because the fact that assets tend to experience big drawdowns substantially affects the safe withdrawal rate.