I’ve thought for a while based on common sense that since most people seem to agree that you could replicate the search that LM’s provide with a half decent background knowledge of the topic and a few hours of googling, the incremental increase in risk in terms of the number of people it provides access to can’t be that big. In my head it’s been more like the bioterrorism risk is unacceptably high already and has been for a while and current AI can increase this unacceptably high already level by like 20% or something and that is still an unacceptably large increase in risk in an absolute sense but it’s to an already unacceptable situation.
I’ve thought for a while based on common sense that since most people seem to agree that you could replicate the search that LM’s provide with a half decent background knowledge of the topic and a few hours of googling, the incremental increase in risk in terms of the number of people it provides access to can’t be that big. In my head it’s been more like the bioterrorism risk is unacceptably high already and has been for a while and current AI can increase this unacceptably high already level by like 20% or something and that is still an unacceptably large increase in risk in an absolute sense but it’s to an already unacceptable situation.