Escape from Model Land Reading Group
Join us for a discussion of Escape from Model Land by Erica Thompson. Whether we are worried about the spread of COVID-19 or making a corporate budget, we depend on mathematical models to help us understand the world around us every day. But models aren’t a mirror of reality. And relying on them too heavily can hurt us.
Erica Thompson illuminates the hidden dangers of models. She demonstrates how models reflect the biases, perspectives, and expectations of their creators.
We’ll be discussing the book in full, but if you don’t get a chance to finish the book before the group, feel free to join anyway!
Join the #book-club channel at EA Anywhere Slack to engage with other members and suggest books for future discussions.
Hi everyone, the host got really sick and can’t host the meeting today.
It’s been rescheduled for next Sunday, May 7th.