Hi Arnon, thanks for sharing your work here. I’m always excited to hear about new ideas for fighting malaria.
I notice that the study you published was created by ZzappMalaria staff itself. Are you planning to partner with outside researchers to conduct the proposed follow-up study? For example, GiveDirectly has partnered with researchers at a number of top universities to study various aspects of their program. When a charity studies its own program there can be more conflicts of interest than when the study is conducted by disinterested academics.
Hi Ian, I totally agree, super important to engage leading scientists (and the company is working together with leading scientists on some collaborations and publications).
In this specific operation (which was not designed as a study but rather as an operational pilot) the authors are from Sao Tome’s Ministry of Health and from the company, so we do have here a level of external control, but again, we should aim for more.
Hi Arnon, thanks for sharing your work here. I’m always excited to hear about new ideas for fighting malaria.
I notice that the study you published was created by ZzappMalaria staff itself. Are you planning to partner with outside researchers to conduct the proposed follow-up study? For example, GiveDirectly has partnered with researchers at a number of top universities to study various aspects of their program. When a charity studies its own program there can be more conflicts of interest than when the study is conducted by disinterested academics.
Hi Ian, I totally agree, super important to engage leading scientists (and the company is working together with leading scientists on some collaborations and publications).
In this specific operation (which was not designed as a study but rather as an operational pilot) the authors are from Sao Tome’s Ministry of Health and from the company, so we do have here a level of external control, but again, we should aim for more.