Estimating value

Shap­ley val­ues: Bet­ter than counterfactuals

Shap­ley Values II: Philantropic Co­or­di­na­tion The­ory & other mis­cel­lanea.

Pre­dict­ing the Value of Small Altru­is­tic Pro­jects: A Proof of Con­cept Ex­per­i­ment.

An ex­per­i­ment to eval­u­ate the value of one re­searcher’s work

Rel­a­tive Im­pact of the First 10 EA Fo­rum Prize Winners

2018-2019 Long-Term Fu­ture Fund Gran­tees: How did they do?

Shal­low eval­u­a­tions of longter­mist organizations

An es­ti­mate of the value of Me­tac­u­lus questions

Ex­ter­nal Eval­u­a­tion of the EA Wiki

Sim­ple com­par­i­son pol­ling to cre­ate util­ity functions

Five steps for quan­tify­ing spec­u­la­tive interventions

Valu­ing re­search works by elic­it­ing com­par­i­sons from EA researchers

A Crit­i­cal Re­view of Open Philan­thropy’s Bet On Crim­i­nal Jus­tice Reform

In­tro­duc­tion to Fermi estimates

An ex­per­i­ment elic­it­ing rel­a­tive es­ti­mates for Open Philan­thropy’s 2018 AI safety grants

Sim­ple es­ti­ma­tion ex­am­ples in Squiggle

Five slightly more hard­core Squig­gle mod­els.

Brief eval­u­a­tions of top-10 billionnaires

My highly per­sonal skep­ti­cism brain­dump on ex­is­ten­tial risk from ar­tifi­cial in­tel­li­gence.

Use of “I’d bet” on the EA Fo­rum is mostly metaphorical

Es­ti­ma­tion for san­ity checks

Some es­ti­ma­tion work in the horizon