1. The effectiveness mindset

If you want to use your time or money to help others, you probably want to help as many people as you can. But you only have so much time to help, so you can have a much bigger impact if you focus on the interventions that help more people rather than fewer.

But finding such interventions is incredibly difficult: it requires a “scout mindset”—seeking the truth, rather than defending our current ideas.

1. Introduction

About this handbook

The Effec­tive­ness Mindset

2. On effective altruism

In­tro­duc­tion to Effec­tive Altruism

Four Ideas You Already Agree With

The world is much bet­ter. The world is awful. The world can be much bet­ter.

3. On scope sensitivity

On Caring

Scope in­sen­si­tivity: failing to ap­pre­ci­ate the num­bers of those who need our help

4. On scout mindset and thinking clearly

On tradeoffs

Why you think you’re right—even when you’re wrong

What cog­ni­tive bi­ases feel like from the inside

Pur­chase fuzzies and utilons separately

5. On tradeoffs

On tradeoffs

We are in triage ev­ery sec­ond of ev­ery day

6. On impact

500 Million, But Not A Sin­gle One More

7. More to explore

More to ex­plore on ‘The Effec­tive­ness Mind­set’