Future Matters

Future Matters is a newsletter about longtermism and existential risk written by Matthew van der Merwe & Pablo Stafforini. Each month we curate and summarize relevant research and news from the community, and feature a conversation with a prominent researcher.

Fu­ture Mat­ters #0: Space gov­er­nance, fu­ture-proof ethics, and the launch of the Fu­ture Fund

Fu­ture Mat­ters #1: AI take­off, longter­mism vs. ex­is­ten­tial risk, and prob­a­bil­ity discounting

Fu­ture Mat­ters #2: Clue­less skep­ti­cism, ‘longter­mist’ as an iden­tity, and nan­otech­nol­ogy strat­egy research

Fu­ture Mat­ters #3: digi­tal sen­tience, AGI ruin, and fore­cast­ing track records

Fu­ture Mat­ters #4: AI timelines, AGI risk, and ex­is­ten­tial risk from cli­mate change

Fu­ture Mat­ters #5: su­per­vol­ca­noes, AI takeover, and What We Owe the Future

Fu­ture Mat­ters #6: FTX col­lapse, value lock-in, and coun­ter­ar­gu­ments to AI x-risk

Fu­ture Mat­ters #7: AI timelines, AI skep­ti­cism, and lock-in

Fu­ture Mat­ters #8: Bing Chat, AI labs on safety, and paus­ing Fu­ture Matters