
TagLast edit: Apr 26, 2022, 4:16 PM by Pablo

Fabianism was a British form of socialism most active in the late 19th and early 20th century that pursued gradualist, nonviolent social reform. The Fabians have been described as “direct heirs of the Enlightenment in its English Utilitarian branch.”[1]

Further reading

Alexander, Scott (2018) Book review: History of the Fabian Society, Slate Star Codex, April 30.

Mack, Mary Peter (1955) The Fabians and utilitarianism, Journal of the History of Ideas, vol. 16, pp. 76.

Morgan, Kevin (2017) Fabian socialism, in James E. Crimmins (ed.) The Bloomsbury Encyclopedia of Utilitarianism, London: Bloomsbury Academic, pp. 158–161.

Related entries

communities adjacent to effective altruism | social and intellectual movements | utilitarianism

  1. ^

    McBriar, Alan M. (1962) Fabian Socialism and English Politics: 1884-1918, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, p. 149.

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