In­vin­cible Wellbeing

TagLast edit: Dec 4, 2024, 10:03 AM by nil

Invincible Wellbeing (IW) is a 501(c)(3) organization focused on foundational research and applied work to study the root causes of pain and suffering. Along with their academic partners, IW’s mission is to investigate and treat the phylogenetic roots of pain and suffering. One of IW’s efforts focuses on what it calls “compassionate breeding” of animals across industries such as biomedical research and agriculture.

IW also hosts a podcast, airing on Stanford University Radio, interviewing scientists on topics relevant to IW’s research.

External links

Invincible Wellbeing. Official website.

Hedonia. Invincible Wellbeing’s podcast.


Related entries

animal welfare | biotechnology | hellish existential catastrophe | invertebrate welfare | mental health | podcasts | sentience | suffering and pain | welfare biology

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    Invincible Wellbeing (2021) The Joshua Cefalu Fund, Invincible Wellbeing.

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    Invincible Wellbeing (2022) Meet the team, Invincible Wellbeing.

Grayson Hadley on Elimi­nat­ing Suffering

Group OrganizerOct 8, 2021, 1:03 AM
2 points
0 comments1 min readEA link
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