
Karma: 5

Hi. Im Ali/​Alisha. Climate + fair global governance nerd. Moral psychology & philosophy enthusiast.

I have insane drive to want to do all I can and work together with people that care about the world. Thanks 🌸🤏🤠Once this is all over (if ever.. or at least after we’ve strived in giving our all), we shall have the biggest drive-in movie screening and finally say out loud ‘we effing did it!’. Till then, let’s get to work and take care. Doing it all, and will always continue to, for the love of people(I’ve known by heart & those I’ve yet to!) and fear of grief impending anyone that has the capacity to experience suffering. I am sorry. 🫂

[Question] Should We Make Tak­ing Ac­tions To­gether, More Cen­tral­ized Over Here?

Alisha 7 Jul 2024 13:15 UTC
5 points
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