
Karma: −1

I’m a kitsune otherkin, non-binary, with a thing for developing gene editing tools for everyone to benefit. Freedom of Form (including freedoms of health, adaptation, morphology and cognition) is my passion and my life’s goal. I’ve been pursuing it since 2008. BSc Biochemistry, Uni. Southampton, 2016. Shi/​hir or they/​them.

Likes: open source everything, hackerspaces, tea, 3D printing, furries, computers, cycling, electric cars, gene editing systems design, puzzle games

Dislikes: climate change itself, people who deny it, diseases, aging, missed opportunities to get to the root cause of a problem, people who would rather not solve these things, shooting and horror games or movies.

An Evolu­tion Revolu­tion: us­ing per­sonal digi­tal twin soft­ware, ar­tifi­cial sen­tience and quan­tum physics to solve ge­netic disorders

AthamanathaDec 27, 2023, 4:24 AM
0 points
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