Oh my god, the resource I didn’t know I needed, thank you so much!
Catherine J Wang
Karma: 14
Engaging international high school students in China into EA clubs
Looking for co-organizers to start an EA awareness group in China
This is so helpful for coming up with a research question, thank you so much! The list methods works so well for me.
Hey! Thank you SO much for all these resources! They were very helpful, and I’m glad there are a lot more opportunities to write about EA than I thought.
在我的认知里,中式哲学好像没有“effective altruism”类似的说法,像你提到的墨子应该是政治学家,但是他重要的地方是提出了对儒家思想的反驳。直到现在普遍的意识还是被儒家文化限制了,中国人像林语堂说的一样,其实是以家庭单位的individualism,大家都是看好自己的,很少会想到charity donation或者“有效的帮助别人”这个概念,所以我暂时没有什么书可以推荐的。