First of all, do not give up! And keep fighting/trying to reach your goals :)
I am not sure how the 80,000 Hours career advising and the Long-Term Future Fund work, but it might be good if they check some internal bias that selects people from certain universities. So, we shouldn’t take it personal as not worthy enough.
I attended one of these schools, and I guarantee you most of the people there are quite normal.[1] It could be that many of the successful applicants at the funds have some kind of support that you do not currently have.
Many jobs are prioritised for people coming from elite schools and/or with the right connections. Or at least this is what I have seen. We might get rejected even if we are better than someone else.
What to do then? I would say you need to higher your chances of achieving your goals. One way is to play in some unexplored space. You gotta find a niche, and connect with people. Talk to people, and spam people around to get the ball rolling :)
By the end of the day, you gotta believe in yourself, no matter how smart/athletic/contributing you are. And this is what I say is the most important trait.[2]
Keep up!
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People I met that entered just for a master are nothing special, except for a few really amazing people, graduate/PhD level I would say 50-50, and undergraduate level is the one with the highest variance, with truly out of sample kids or just low performance. I have also met people from some non-elite/low-ranking schools, and some of them are very intelligent and would be easily in the top cohort at elite schools.
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If I ever found a company, I will choose people based on character and competence. Piece of paper where one studied won’t matter.
Not a proper quick take and perhaps off-topic on this forum. But given that I know some people here are into health I give it a shot.
I would be very grateful if someone could point me to some excellent doctors around Europe, website, or some sort of diet that can be good to improve my health.
I have been having some health issues:
getting sick frequently, feeling feverish most of the time
Difficulty breathing, with some pain sometime when I am also sick
It turns out I have recently developed asthma too. Initially a couple of doctors thought it was anxiety, and after a year and a half I really pushed to get a proper test.
A burning sensation on my left chest, since I took the covid vaccine
Slight hypertension
And most importantly a continuous head confusion (similar to when I used to get a fever) since two years ago! Sometimes it has head tingling, with hands and feet tingling too, and sometimes a headache.
I am fit, and try to workout when I can.[1]
All the doctors that I have met do not have a single clue, and do not seem interested into solving the problem or investigate.[2] I am not even looking for a cure now. Just a diagnosis.
I am not rich so my budget is limited. But life has become so difficult.
With my breathing problems I can do a 10km at around 4:40 km/min, but suddenly not on my top of my game (4:10 km/min).
If it is not an easy ibuprofen or similar, they quickly give up. I have a big suspicion that doctors are not trained well, so they might be all effectively incompetent at dealing with situations that are not solved by the usual medicines they prescribe. I plan one day to write a post, as methods of rationality and AI might help in diagnosing situations.