I realize that confidentiality prevents me from knowing all the information, but I honestly can’t work out what to do with this information, especially regarding working with Jacy in the future. I have three possible interpretations, and each interpretation suggests a different action I should take (there may be other interpretations, or this situation could also be part way between two interpretations).
A) he’s been doing inappropriate things (possibly not realizing they were not okay), was given a chance to improve his behavior, but did not, causing CEA to ban him and ask for a public apology.
B) he did some quite egregious things—things that a reasonable person would KNOW are not okay—so CEA banned him and asked for a public apology at the same time as alerting him of these complaints.
C) he’s been doing inappropriate things (possibly not realizing they were not okay), and CEA banned him and asked for a public apology at the same time as alerting him of these complaints.
A) seems in contrast to “It has recently been brought to my attention” however, of course this may not be true.
B) could fit. The OP insinuates the problems were due to “forward and direct” approaches, but it could very well be worse than that sounds. I also recognize that even if the intent of an action was not malicious, if the action was bad enough we would still want that person banned.
C) is more like what the OP suggests happened (although it may not be accurate), but if true that doesn’t seem serious enough to cause a ban and a request for an apology, especially since in this case there may be ongoing career repercussions. But if C is correct, that may be cause for concern. It is difficult for many people to navigate social interactions, and some people are particularly clueless as to what is appropriate, so I would like to see attempts to educate before public irreversible actions are made. It may be additionally challenging in EA and rationality circles because many standard social norms are enthusiastically questioned, making it harder for people to know what is okay and what is not.
I realize that confidentiality prevents me from knowing all the information, but I honestly can’t work out what to do with this information, especially regarding working with Jacy in the future. I have three possible interpretations, and each interpretation suggests a different action I should take (there may be other interpretations, or this situation could also be part way between two interpretations).
A) he’s been doing inappropriate things (possibly not realizing they were not okay), was given a chance to improve his behavior, but did not, causing CEA to ban him and ask for a public apology.
B) he did some quite egregious things—things that a reasonable person would KNOW are not okay—so CEA banned him and asked for a public apology at the same time as alerting him of these complaints.
C) he’s been doing inappropriate things (possibly not realizing they were not okay), and CEA banned him and asked for a public apology at the same time as alerting him of these complaints.
A) seems in contrast to “It has recently been brought to my attention” however, of course this may not be true.
B) could fit. The OP insinuates the problems were due to “forward and direct” approaches, but it could very well be worse than that sounds. I also recognize that even if the intent of an action was not malicious, if the action was bad enough we would still want that person banned.
C) is more like what the OP suggests happened (although it may not be accurate), but if true that doesn’t seem serious enough to cause a ban and a request for an apology, especially since in this case there may be ongoing career repercussions. But if C is correct, that may be cause for concern. It is difficult for many people to navigate social interactions, and some people are particularly clueless as to what is appropriate, so I would like to see attempts to educate before public irreversible actions are made. It may be additionally challenging in EA and rationality circles because many standard social norms are enthusiastically questioned, making it harder for people to know what is okay and what is not.