Doug Campbell here from Insight Prediction. I’m just curious what leads you to believe Insight Prediction is a scam? You placed a bet against Taras, made money, and we paid it out to you.
I spent 14 months of my life building this website. I also spent a lot of money. Why would I do all that in order to steal a smaller sum of money? The future of Insight Prediction is bright. Why would I pass up the opportunity to make even more money with a useful prediction market, and expose myself to enormous legal trouble? Additionally, how many professors do you know who started scam websites that they publicly associated themselves with, and then ripped off people knowing full well it would probably mean jail time? I’m just curious how your mind works here.
Doug Campbell here from Insight Prediction. I’m just curious what leads you to believe Insight Prediction is a scam? You placed a bet against Taras, made money, and we paid it out to you.
I spent 14 months of my life building this website. I also spent a lot of money. Why would I do all that in order to steal a smaller sum of money? The future of Insight Prediction is bright. Why would I pass up the opportunity to make even more money with a useful prediction market, and expose myself to enormous legal trouble? Additionally, how many professors do you know who started scam websites that they publicly associated themselves with, and then ripped off people knowing full well it would probably mean jail time? I’m just curious how your mind works here.
In any case, here is my academic homepage: