I sincerely hope this cause will be taken as seriously as possible and thoroughly examined.
On an anecdotal basis, I have been repeatedly surprised just how many people around me have had significant experiences along these lines. I would never have guessed this before my friends all were in child-bearing age.
I also think the relevance of this cause area might typically remain hidden from public sight because:
less than half the population ever gives birth
most people who do give birth, do so only once or very few times during their life
if something goes wrong, they are in a uniquely bad position to follow-up given that life with a small child is a uniquely intense phase
We should also naturally be open to the idea that OV happens much more frequently than assumed given that
birthing persons are in a uniquely vulnerable situation
health and safety concerns - even if well-intentioned—always provide a plausible cover/excuse
There is an essay on Buddhism and Effective Altruism by Calvin Baker.