Another benefit of our product-driven approach is that we aim to provide a positive contribution to the alignment community. By which I mean:
Thanks to amazing prior work in straight alignment research, we already have some idea of anti-patterns and risks that we all want to avoid. What we’re still lacking are safety attractors: i.e. alternative approaches which are competitive with and safer than the current paradigm.
We want for Elicit to be an existence proof that there is a better way to solve certain complex tasks, and for our approach to go on to be adopted by others – because it’s in their self-interest, not because it’s safe.
You’re welcome!
The goal for Elicit is for it to be a research assistant, leading to more and higher quality research. Literature review is only one small part of that: we would like to add functionality like brainstorming research directions, finding critiques, identifying potential collaborators, …
Beyond that, we believe that factored cognition could scale to lots of knowledge work. Anywhere the tasks are fuzzy, open-ended, or have long feedback loops, we think Elicit (or our next product) could be a fit. Journalism, think-tanks, policy work.
It is, very much. Answering so-called strength of evidence questions accounts for big chunks of researchers’ time today.