Expanding on what Nathan Young said about the dangers of wealthy celebrities mentioning Effective Altruism, I am wondering if it’s EA’s best interest to certify donors and spokespeople before mentioning EA. The term “effective altruism” itself is ambiguous and having figures such as Musk or FTX using their own definitions without going through the rigor of studying the established definition only makes the problem worse. With certification (one that needs to be renewed annually I must add), it ensures that there’s agreement between well-known figures and the EA community that they are in alignment with what EA really means. It also adds accountability to their pledges and donations.
Expanding on what Nathan Young said about the dangers of wealthy celebrities mentioning Effective Altruism, I am wondering if it’s EA’s best interest to certify donors and spokespeople before mentioning EA. The term “effective altruism” itself is ambiguous and having figures such as Musk or FTX using their own definitions without going through the rigor of studying the established definition only makes the problem worse. With certification (one that needs to be renewed annually I must add), it ensures that there’s agreement between well-known figures and the EA community that they are in alignment with what EA really means. It also adds accountability to their pledges and donations.