Jens Aslaug šŸ”ø

Karma: 80

Dentist doing earning to give. I have pledged to donate minimally 50 % (aiming for 65-70%) or 40.000-50.000 $ annually (at the beginning of my career). While I do expect to mainly do ā€œgiving nowā€, I do plan, in periods of limited effective donating opportunities, to do ā€œinvesting to giveā€.

May consider going into s-risk research later in my career.

As a longtermist and total utilitarian, finding the cause that increases utilities (no matter the time or type of sentient being) the most time/ā€‹cost-effectively is my goal. In the pursuit of this goal, I so far care mostly about: s-risk, artificial sentience, WAW (wild animal welfare) and alignment (but feel free to change my mind).

I heard about EA for the first time in 2018 in relation to an animal rights organization I worked for part-time (Animal Alliance in Denmark). However I have only had minimal interactions with EAs.

Due to reading and my time working at Animal Alliance etc., Iā€™m relatively knowledgeable in the following areas: effective communication, investing (stocks) and personal development.

Male, 24 years old and diagnosed with aspergers (ASD) and dyslexia.

TheĀ­ory: ā€œWAW might be of higher imĀ­pact than x-risk preĀ­venĀ­tion based on utilĀ­iĀ­tarĀ­iĀ­anismā€

Jens Aslaug šŸ”øSep 12, 2023, 1:11 PM
51 points
20 comments17 min readEA link