The most recent write up on our thinking on this is here (in addition to the comments about EA values in the post above). Our current plan is to continue with this approach.
Jess Binksmith
Thanks for raising this Noah.
In addition to the ideas raised above, some other thoughts:
Giving fellowship members a menu of career-coaching options they could apply to (like the trifecta Conor mentions here, who all offer career advising)
Consider encouraging people to sign up to community and networking events, like EAG/x’s
Directing folks to 80k resources with more caveats about which places you think we might be helpful for your group, and what things we might be overlooking
We think that lots of our resources like our career guide and career planning template should still be useful irrespective of cause prioritisation, and caveating might help allay your worries about misconstruing our focus.
We also hope that our explicit focusing on AGI can help our own site / resources be more clear and transparent about our views on what’s most pressing.
I’ve now updated the 80k page to be more consistent with the announcement here: On leave to serve as Interim CEO at Effective Ventures Foundation UK.
Thanks for asking. Our definition of impact includes non-human sentient beings, and we don’t plan to change that.