Thanks for doing this! I find your blog really inspiring and I’m enjoying reading this q&a.
Maybe you’ve already answered this elsewhere but I’m just curious about the switch from donating to global health charities to doing direct anti biorisk work. Was this motivated by theoretical long termist considerations at all? If you could have switched to doing direct malaria prevention work would you have done that instead? (If you hadn’t been able to switch to direct work would you have switched your EtG donations to a long termist cause?) Do you worry much about philosophical arguments for long termism Vs helping people right now, or do you focus on more practical considerations when deciding how to help?
Thank you, this is fascinating. Is there an option to monitor wastewater just from airports (as well as generally for a whole city)? Then anything brought in on international flights might be less diluted and you might be able to detect it sooner, idk?
I realise that the world is a little bit different than in 1918, but given that the Spanish Flu was spread by troop movements, I wonder what the various militaries are doing and if they see themselves as having a role in pandemic prevention?