To me, an automated monthly payment from your credit card or bank order makes sense. What are the arguments for an annual donation?
I continued my regular contribution to MIRI. Their approach to openness does make me wonder if they are being effective, but their regular updates, publications on some of their research, and support from people who are in the know suggests that they continue to do a good job.
I also give to a program for autistic youth. Less effective, no doubt, but fuzzies are worth something too.
Option Value in Effective Altruism: Worldwide Online Meetup
April 13, at 16:00 UTC
Outreach can be valuable, although it is rare to have high-value opportunities. If you can publish, lecture or talk 1-on-1 with highly relevant audiences, then you may sway the Zeitgeist a little and so contribute towards getting donors or researchers on board.
Relevant audiences include:
tech moguls and other potential big donors; people who may have the potential to become or at influence those moguls.
researchers in relevant areas such as game theory; smart people in elite educational tracks who may have the potential to become or influence such researchers.
What are your plans for taking MIRI to the next level? What is the next level?
Now that MIRI is focused on math research (a good move) and not on outreach, there is less of a role for volunteers and supporters. With the donation from Elon Musk, some of which will presumably get to MIRI, the marginal value of small donations has gone down. How do you plan to keep your supporters engaged and donating? (The alternative, which is perhaps feasible, could be for MIRI to be an independent research institution, without a lot of public engagement, funded by a few big donors.)
Quakers did a lot of good things. But be careful not to deify them. For example their ideology also put them at the forefront of appeasing the Nazis. Perhaps some of that can be called necessary collaboration with the Nazis for the purpose of doing good work; and perhaps the world needs a minimal number of appeasers to do their thing even when war is called for. But we should remember that the Quaker movement does—of course -- good and evil.