Lee McC

Karma: 88

I support people to move forward on meaningful and important project by listening to their wisdom instead of worry. When you know what you should do, but aren’t sure why you aren’t, I can help you clear the way.

You may be coming across my profile because of my involvement with the EA Hiring Agency, High Impact Recruitment (HIRE). If you’re looking for hiring help, please contact Neil Ferro He can help!

My coaching training and style cross a few areas:

-Modern neuroscience of how to be aware of and change your mind using tools like self-observation, body-awareness, mindfulness and self-hypnosis**.

-Ancient wisdom principles common to stoicism, Buddhism, and other traditions that focus on self-agency and integrity.

-Systems thinking: looking beyond yourself to see how you are connected to the rest of the world, so you can decide where to focus your attention to change the world for the better.

I offer 1:1 coaching and occasional trainings and group workshops! check out my website:

Hiring Well: Re­search pro­ject call­ing participants

Lee McCNov 16, 2022, 2:46 AM
17 points
0 comments4 min readEA link