Malcolm Collins

Karma: 0

I am Malcolm Collins, a long-time EA who was only recently convinced to take a shot at posting on the forums by one of our students. My core passions are trying to rebuild the education system with and trying to preserve the EA sociological profile in the face of demographic collapse (—because right now the EA meme is liable to extinguish itself through negatively modifying the fitness of individuals with the sociological profile that makes them amenable to it, which is . . . not good.

Education: Stanford, MBA; St Andrews, Neuroscience

Books (released): The Pragmatist’s Guide to Life, The Pragmatist’s Guide to Sexuality, The Pragmatist’s Guide to Relationships

Books (in final stages): The Pragmatist’s Guide to Crafting Culture/​Religion, The Pragmatist’s Guide to Governance

Day job: I run with my wife which we acquired via the search fund model. In our spare time we do “secret society work” (my wife was formerly Managing Director of Dialog and we were tapped to lay the foundations for Schmidt Futures’ Act 2 Network).

New Cause Area: De­mo­graphic Collapse

Malcolm CollinsJun 30, 2022, 7:38 PM
−25 points
28 comments34 min readEA link