Hi! I’m Matt. Let’s be friends!
My daughters and I are learning together. We call it home/un/pro/am/anti/re/no/go schooling. I’m getting more out of it than them. But I’m doing my best, living our values and:
Creating a Future We Want (~ inventory of my life/work, under construction)
Bringing to the “classroom” my 20+ years of evaluation praxis mostly from the nexus of social, natural and systems sciences (lots of that was at US EPA).
Designing an Evaluative Evolution amidst the accelerating coevolution of Nature, Humans, and AI.
Not writing too many more not-too-good plays about AI that no one cares about.
Like a talented freesurfer, will someone sponsor me? No income. Need some.
I’ve been into Effectiveness for a while now. Here’s a paper by cool peeps that I gathered together that discusses some dimensions of my perspective.
Thank you Felix. Nice to feel welcome.
Grateful for the new opportunities and resources you’ve shared. We will look into them and keep them handy.
I appreciate the website feedack...It is a work in progress and I could do much better at tidying things up that I won’t likely get to in the near term. On it!
Thank you for your service to educate our friends and peers about the environment.
Take good care of yourself Felix.