Emailing is the most reliable way to reach me. Non-urgent messages can be sent through the EA Forum.
Currently a research assistant for Northwestern’s Development Economics lab: the Global Poverty Research Lab.
Utilized natural language processing to make a human-in-the-loop research paper finder and classifier to facilitate the process of creating quantitative meta-analyses about interventions to improve developing world economies
Engineered an interface with HTML, Javascript, and Flask
Deployed backend code to AWS Lambda to enhance scalability and efficiency
President and founder of Northwestern University AI Safety Club.
Doing ML Research with Professor Wood-Doughty
Organizer for the Effective Altruism Midwest Retreat
My “Career Stage” is both undergraduate degree and Master’s degree because I’m going for both at the same time.
I guess I don’t really understand Zvi and Nate here. Having a healthy community is important, and becoming a monk and starving yourself decreases the amount of positive impact you can have. EAs know this and consider sacrificing long-term resources for short term donations/impact a mistake.
Good point about nationalities being arbitrary and not really reciprocal.