Born and raised in west Germany (NRW)
studied Bioscience in Münster (focus on neuroscience, botany and genetics)
went to Bonn for an internship at the UN and decided international diplomatic work isn’t for me
spent 6 months as teaching assistant for a botany course at the University in Münster
moved to Utrecht (NL) for my masters (Neuroscience, Ecology, Behaviour and Science Communication)
lived in Australia for 2 years for fun (hit me up for chats about van life, traveling on a budget and working at a winery)
landed in Freiburg i.Br. in Germany in 2018 and loving it so far
worked in the medical tech field for two years before starting to work for EAD in 2023
cause areas I personally regard important & interesting: global health & development, mental health, reducing extreme suffering, inclusion & equity, peacekeeping & improving democratic governance, improving institutional decision making, biorisks, EA community building
interests/hobbies: nature, bouldering, cooking & eating, mountain biking, hiking, reading, yoga, meditation, self reflection, birds, psychology, art, history, …
Milena Canzler🔸
Karma: 282