Muloongo Stella Mwanahamuntu

Karma: 50

I am a product designer with experience in Software as a Service (SaaS) products tailored for the finance, agriculture, and automotive sectors. My educational background includes a degree in Mathematics from The Copperbelt University. Currently, I am furthering my academic pursuits with a Master’s degree in Behavior Research Methods, focusing on the study of perceived usefulness and ease of use of agricultural technologies among smallholder farmers in Zambia.

I have started a lo­cal com­mu­nity in Zam­bia for stu­dents, grad­u­ates, and pro­fes­sion­als based on the prin­ci­ples out­lined in the 80,000 Hours book. In this thread, I will keep you up­dated on its progress.

Muloongo Stella Mwanahamuntu10 Apr 2024 11:44 UTC
42 points
2 comments1 min readEA link