Founder of Data Strategy Professionals (https://ââââ)
NicoleJaneway đ¸
Karma: 392
EA SoftÂware EngÂineersâ Office Hours (opÂtion 2)
EA SoftÂware EngÂineersâ Office Hours (opÂtion 1)
StreamÂlit Workshop
Tools for findÂing inÂforÂmaÂtion on the internet
Value of Information
AlignÂment EcosysÂtem Development
Risks from AdÂvanced AI
EA SoftÂware EngÂineersâ Office Hours (opÂtion 1)
EA SoftÂware EngÂineersâ Office Hours (opÂtion 2)
CyÂborÂgism and AI AlignÂment Tools with JacÂques Thibodeau
Open Source ConÂtriÂbuÂtions to AI Safety (opÂtion 2)
Risks from AdÂvanced AI
Open Source ConÂtriÂbuÂtions to AI Safety (opÂtion 1)
EA SoftÂware EngÂineersâ ComÂmuÂnity Office Hours (GMT- friendly)
EA SoftÂware EngÂineersâ ComÂmuÂnity Office Hours (GMT+ friendly)
Thanks for your detailed project idea!!
Thank you so much for your suggestions and involvement!! Also, recommendation that everyone download an IDE (e.g., VSCode) before we get started on Monday.
Cool idea â I definitely know people who would use this.
Fixed, I think