That’s a very good point, I didn’t think about that when conducting my calculations. I think the best way to quantify the profits would be to calculate the average ticket fare for the average distance travelled, and multiply this by the total number of journeys per year on each mode of transport. However, this relies on actual data from after the investment has been implemented.
I’m not too sure how we could predict the increase in profits generated by investment before the investment has actually happened. I guess looking at previous data and seeing how profitable investments in different types of transport have been in the past might be a good place to start. Another factor to consider would be how long it takes before these increased profits actually arise, as there may be too much of a delay between the time of the investment and how long it takes for effects to be seen.
That’s a very good point, I didn’t think about that when conducting my calculations. I think the best way to quantify the profits would be to calculate the average ticket fare for the average distance travelled, and multiply this by the total number of journeys per year on each mode of transport. However, this relies on actual data from after the investment has been implemented.
I’m not too sure how we could predict the increase in profits generated by investment before the investment has actually happened. I guess looking at previous data and seeing how profitable investments in different types of transport have been in the past might be a good place to start. Another factor to consider would be how long it takes before these increased profits actually arise, as there may be too much of a delay between the time of the investment and how long it takes for effects to be seen.