Forgive me. The information appears to be relevant to multiple threads so I posted it multiple times. I am using an anonymous account, like many other commenters here are, presumably given the sensitivity of the topic and the wish for it not to be associated with the rest of their identity. I did not realize that either of these actions was inappropriate.
- Mar 31, 2019, 2:16 PM; 24 points) 's comment on Apology by (
- Mar 31, 2019, 2:16 PM; 24 points) 's comment on Apology by (
There is now more information which suggests the allegations were not as severe as commenters here believed. Namely an investigative journalist says the allegations amounted to “insistent or clumsy flirting.” The single example of which we know details involved Jacy calling someone “cutie,” to which the discussant said they were not interested, and he responded that he was in a “polyamorous/open” relationship, which the discussant interpreted as continued flirting, but he says was only meant “to clarify that he was not cheating or intending to cheat on his partner.”
I believe age is important context in this situation. It is widely accepted in criminal justice systems and society at large that youths should be punished less than adults for the same transgressions. Moreover, the recent concerns must be viewed in context, because of the timing of university allegations being “shared widely” immediately before the recent concerns.
An investigative journalist has now spoken with a number of people involved in this process and wrote about this post with some more details. A few informative quotes:
From the journalist: “In the case of Jacy Reese, as best I can tell — which is not very well at all — he is being accused by a number of women of “insistent or clumsy flirting,” most of it online, via text or Facebook message.”
From Kelly: “When CEA contacted us last Monday, they seemed very concerned about the allegation against him from seven years ago, when he was a teenager, which almost everyone we have discussed this with mistakenly believed was an allegation of assault. Multiple people have communicated to Jacy and me that when that allegation became shared widely in the community last year, in the month before any concerns were brought to his attention, it sparked discussions about his current behavior, as well as the spreading of verifiably false rumors.”
From Julia (who said that reporting this story would be counterproductive): “I respect the decision (Jacy) has made to step back from EA generally. I think he responded appropriately, and I don’t want to dis-incentivize that.”[Note: There is now more information which suggests the allegations were not as severe as commenters here believed. In addition to the journalist saying the allegations amounted to “insistent or clumsy flirting,” the single example of which we know details involved Jacy calling someone “cutie,” to which the discussant said they were not interested, and he responded that he was in a “polyamorous/open” relationship, which the discussant interpreted as continued flirting, but he says was only meant “to clarify that he was not cheating or intending to cheat on his partner.”]
- Mar 31, 2019, 2:16 PM; 24 points) 's comment on Apology by (
The post says”CEA was made aware of these and other concerns about my past behavior” and CEA’s statement reads “after receiving reports from several parties about concerns over several time periods”, and I don’t think CEA would have missed the Brown allegations, so it seems likely that they are part of the concerns that CEA has with Jacy’s behavior. We should be mindful that the Brown allegations might be the source of some or most of the concerns, and hearing about them might have even caused people to view interactions with Jacy in a different light.
I only hoped to provide this information in the relevant threads, given it was pertinent to the speculation of the severity of the allegations being made in each of those threads. I have deleted three of the four comments.