Robert Nenninger

Karma: 1

I studied physics, music and Sanskrit (^_^;) at uni and am now wishing to found a creative media company to positively influence society by creating beautiful and morally reflective content. I’m particularly interested in the potential of anime to positively shape a sense of morality in young people/​children (e.g. teaching the value of friendship) and in the potential of fantasy (as a genre) to allow sophisticated contemplation on philosophical themes—iff it is brought back to the high literary standard of the works of Tolkien, its originator.

Effect­ing value change by sec­u­laris­ing re­li­gion and found­ing EA-al­igned cre­ative me­dia com­pany

Robert NenningerOct 1, 2022, 10:06 AM
2 points
0 comments6 min readEA link