Hi again Misha,
Not sure what the finding here is: ”...the 30% edge is likely partly due to the different aggregation techniques used....” [emphasis mine]
How can we know more than likely partly? On what basis can we make a determination? Goldstein et. al. posit several hypotheses for the 30% advantage Good Judgment had over the ICPM: 1) GJ folks were paid; 2) a “secrecy heuristic” posited by Travers et. al.; 3) aggregation algorithms; 4) etc.
Have you disaggregated these effects such that we can know the extent to which the aggregation techniques boosted accuracy? Maybe the effect was entirely related to the $150 Amazon gift cards that GJ forecasters received for 12 months work? Maybe the “secrecy heuristic” explains the delta?
Hi Simon,
May I ask who provided the forecasting training? My team is also interested in training to reduce bias and think more probabilistically. We’ve all read Superforecasting and Scout Mindset, etc. Ready to make it practical!