The bit you may add probably in a subsequent write up is that Islam’s concept of a day of judgment where humans will account for their actions on this earth supplemented by its teachings of focusing on working towards success in the afterlife is the ultimate and best example of longtermism.
The benefit of having a longtermism mindset may not benefit the individual who practices it since the fruits of practice may be seen years or even generations later whereas there is a direct benefit for the individual who practices longtermism based on Islamic belief system as the said individual will see the benefits of his actions on judgement day and such actions will inevitably lead him to eternal bliss or torture.
“Islamic longtermism”, if I may term it that way is superior to the longtermism concept coined by MacAskill and his likes since it addresses in a more effective and practical way various problems that longtermism attempts to deal with.
To finish off, I am firmly of the view that longtermism is definitely enshrined within the Islamic tradition (as you have aptly proven) and if anything, the said principle when looked at through the Islamic lens gives it more meaning and significance compared to when looked at independently from the Islamic faith.
Really good piece, kudos!
The bit you may add probably in a subsequent write up is that Islam’s concept of a day of judgment where humans will account for their actions on this earth supplemented by its teachings of focusing on working towards success in the afterlife is the ultimate and best example of longtermism.
The benefit of having a longtermism mindset may not benefit the individual who practices it since the fruits of practice may be seen years or even generations later whereas there is a direct benefit for the individual who practices longtermism based on Islamic belief system as the said individual will see the benefits of his actions on judgement day and such actions will inevitably lead him to eternal bliss or torture.
“Islamic longtermism”, if I may term it that way is superior to the longtermism concept coined by MacAskill and his likes since it addresses in a more effective and practical way various problems that longtermism attempts to deal with.
To finish off, I am firmly of the view that longtermism is definitely enshrined within the Islamic tradition (as you have aptly proven) and if anything, the said principle when looked at through the Islamic lens gives it more meaning and significance compared to when looked at independently from the Islamic faith.