Oh interesting. Did you read my critique as saying that the philosophy is wrong? (Not sarcastic; serious question.) I don’t really even know what “wrong” would mean here, honestly. I think the reasoning is flawed and if taken seriously leads to bad consequences.
I read your second critique as implicitly saying “there must be a mistake in the argument”, whereas I’d have preferred it to say “the things that might be thought to follow from this argument are wrong (which could mean a mistake in the argument that’s been laid out, or in how its consequences are being interpreted)”.
Oh interesting. Did you read my critique as saying that the philosophy is wrong? (Not sarcastic; serious question.) I don’t really even know what “wrong” would mean here, honestly. I think the reasoning is flawed and if taken seriously leads to bad consequences.
I read your second critique as implicitly saying “there must be a mistake in the argument”, whereas I’d have preferred it to say “the things that might be thought to follow from this argument are wrong (which could mean a mistake in the argument that’s been laid out, or in how its consequences are being interpreted)”.