I suspect that most of these behaviors are harmful for employer-employee dyads (and possibly harmful in other ways?):
living together,
being open to unconventional and kind of unclear boundaries,
being open to unconventional and kind of unclear pay arrangements,
being open to conflicts of interest from dating coworkers and bosses.
For each of these items (or for multiple items occurring together), I don’t think that they necessitate a harmful situation; I could imagine dating a co-worker or living together and it working out fine. But I do think that each of these serves as a factor which increases the probability of harm. In the ~30 seconds that I’ve spent thinking about it so far, what I come up with is “power” and “freedom.” I think that they aren’t damning in themselves, but they are like red flags: something to be extra cautious about because it often is correlated with (or causing) other problems.
I would be very happy to see someone write a post about these “together and dating each other and giving each other grants” experiences with actual examples, norms, suggestions, caveats, etc.
I suspect that most of these behaviors are harmful for employer-employee dyads (and possibly harmful in other ways?):
living together,
being open to unconventional and kind of unclear boundaries,
being open to unconventional and kind of unclear pay arrangements,
being open to conflicts of interest from dating coworkers and bosses.
For each of these items (or for multiple items occurring together), I don’t think that they necessitate a harmful situation; I could imagine dating a co-worker or living together and it working out fine. But I do think that each of these serves as a factor which increases the probability of harm. In the ~30 seconds that I’ve spent thinking about it so far, what I come up with is “power” and “freedom.” I think that they aren’t damning in themselves, but they are like red flags: something to be extra cautious about because it often is correlated with (or causing) other problems.
I would be very happy to see someone write a post about these “together and dating each other and giving each other grants” experiences with actual examples, norms, suggestions, caveats, etc.