Rashi on “categories of labor”—although some learners of the EA Talmud have been known to include commenting on forums and debating philosophical turns of phrase within their definition of “labor”, the Mishna is making a chiddush and excluding types of “labor” that cannot be of assistance when building a large tent. Nafka mina (emerges from it) the understanding that how-to youtube videos would be categorized as labor, by a rabbinical—not biblical—decree, but longwinded comments on obscure posts are not.
Rashi on “categories of labor”—although some learners of the EA Talmud have been known to include commenting on forums and debating philosophical turns of phrase within their definition of “labor”, the Mishna is making a chiddush and excluding types of “labor” that cannot be of assistance when building a large tent. Nafka mina (emerges from it) the understanding that how-to youtube videos would be categorized as labor, by a rabbinical—not biblical—decree, but longwinded comments on obscure posts are not.