Thanks for sharing. I appreciate that these kinds of decisions are difficult, and I had not considered mites on my sheets. I expect I won’t change anything in response, and I guess my post-hoc justification is opportunity cost; if I worry about each such harm I personally commit, it would take too much time from trying to make a positive difference in the world. But maybe it’s not actually that demanding; it seems Brian does a lot. I guess my response to that is that investigating these issues doesn’t have much payoff compared to alternatives, and there are other habits I’d want to work on first.
And, of course, someone could say the same about changing their diet to a more animal friendly one.
I wonder if washing more frequently would actually be preferable, to keep mite populations low, though.
Yes! I’m not sure what the book was meant to be an allegory for, if anything, but I think of this kind of thing every time I read it to my kids. It’s about a character with hearing so keen he can hear the shout for help from a microscopic town, but no one else can hear them and they think he’s crazy. The repeated theme is “A person’s a person, no matter how small.”
Thanks for sharing. I appreciate that these kinds of decisions are difficult, and I had not considered mites on my sheets. I expect I won’t change anything in response, and I guess my post-hoc justification is opportunity cost; if I worry about each such harm I personally commit, it would take too much time from trying to make a positive difference in the world. But maybe it’s not actually that demanding; it seems Brian does a lot. I guess my response to that is that investigating these issues doesn’t have much payoff compared to alternatives, and there are other habits I’d want to work on first.
And, of course, someone could say the same about changing their diet to a more animal friendly one.
I wonder if washing more frequently would actually be preferable, to keep mite populations low, though.
Also, this reminds me of Horton Hears a Who.
Yes! I’m not sure what the book was meant to be an allegory for, if anything, but I think of this kind of thing every time I read it to my kids. It’s about a character with hearing so keen he can hear the shout for help from a microscopic town, but no one else can hear them and they think he’s crazy. The repeated theme is “A person’s a person, no matter how small.”