
Karma: 12,346

I’m a contact person for the effective altruism community: https://​​​​posts/​​hYh6jKBsKXH8mWwtc/​​a-contact-person-for-the-ea-community

Please feel free to contact me at

I work at CEA as a community liaison, trying to make the EA community stronger and more welcoming.

Besides effective altruism, I’m interested in folk dance and trying to keep up with my three children.

Ad­vice for early-ca­reer peo­ple seek­ing jobs in EA

Julia_Wise20 Jun 2024 14:44 UTC
125 points
2 comments2 min readEA link

Sto­ries from the ori­gins of the an­i­mal welfare movement

Julia_Wise12 Mar 2024 1:44 UTC
69 points
4 comments3 min readEA link