Announcing Suffering For Good

TL;DR: We are excited to announce the new animal welfare organization Suffering For Good, a new factory farming charity aimed at vegans, where we use our excess profits to buy suffering offsets—in particular, an enormous number of rats on heroin.

For decades, even centuries, us vegans have been trying but failing to get the world to stop eating & torturing sentient minds that can definitely feel pain & suffer. But the global number of such minds tortured & killed just keeps on increasing. We at Suffering for Good think its time we just gave up, and ask ourselves “how can we use this to our advantage?”

We realized something when we asked that question. After decades of fighting this fight, we know far more about the factory farming industry than virtually anyone inside that industry. In that period of learning, and attempted dismantling, we had learned basically all the industry secrets, strategically releasing only the most gruesome, and least cost-effective practices, so as to maximize the public’s awareness of the pain, and minimize the spread of good ideas.

But it seems the public does not care about the suffering. Only we care about the suffering, and at the end of this long road we find our strength is in doing exactly what we hate most, but more effectively than anyone else.

After months of debate and math, calculating our expected profit margins, the logistics of the heroin suppliers, of keeping our rats alive & fed, and the legality of this operation, we found that no matter what our assumptions were, as long as they were reasonable, our numbers came out the same: Suffering for Good is not only a viable charity, but we feel morally compelled to work on it, no matter how personally disgusted we feel by the conclusion.

We unfortunately can’t share the exact numbers publicly at this moment, however we will be sharing them with select funders.

Crossposted from LessWrong (72 points, 5 comments)