Hi Barry—really sorry to hear about the bad time you’ve had, and glad you’re coming out of it. I wanted to be sure you’ve seen this earlier survey: https://​​forum.effectivealtruism.org/​​posts/​​FheKNFgPqEsN8Nxuv/​​ea-mental-health-survey-results-and-analysis There was also a 2021 EA mental health survey connected to the EA Mental Health Navigator, though I’m not sure the results have been written up. It might be worth talking to Emily Jennings of that project if you haven’t. She’s at ea.mh.navigator@gmail.com
Hi Barry—really sorry to hear about the bad time you’ve had, and glad you’re coming out of it. I wanted to be sure you’ve seen this earlier survey: https://​​forum.effectivealtruism.org/​​posts/​​FheKNFgPqEsN8Nxuv/​​ea-mental-health-survey-results-and-analysis There was also a 2021 EA mental health survey connected to the EA Mental Health Navigator, though I’m not sure the results have been written up. It might be worth talking to Emily Jennings of that project if you haven’t. She’s at ea.mh.navigator@gmail.com