We have also updated the donate page of our site — updating the metrics to cover the whole of 2023 and making an adjustment to account for cookie banner changes in 2023 which affects our growth over time metrics. Going forward, our page is a better source of up-to-date information than this forum post.
Here’s a quick update to say that we’ve closed this fundraising round.
If you’re still interested in donating to 80,000 Hours, we always welcome donations through our Giving What We Can donation page and are excited to hear from potential donors at jess.smith@80000hours.org.
We have also updated the donate page of our site — updating the metrics to cover the whole of 2023 and making an adjustment to account for cookie banner changes in 2023 which affects our growth over time metrics. Going forward, our page is a better source of up-to-date information than this forum post.