Welp, this is it, this is my FTX , this is the thing that permanently makes me lose all faith In the EA movement. I am deleting my account on here after this message.
I value the work of other groups in the EA community shining a light on exploited animals like fish and invertebrates , that have been largely abandoned by traditional animal rights organizations.
But Every-time you gaze your eyes on “ coventional livestock” It feels like internal sabotage
I upvoted this despite not personally agreeing with it because I think it’s a good demonstration of the reputational risks associated with this strategy.
Same. I’ll reiterate what I said above: EAs may be at risk of seriously underestimating the friction that exists between animal work within and outside of EA. My worry is that if even the mention of the idea is enough to get this sort of reaction, I suspect things could get even more heated if EAs, in large numbers, were to enthusiastically support an open alliance with an industry that has a mediocre reputation. Not to mention the ways this may plausibly undermine EA’s credibility with environmentalists.
Another point (although something else that I need to sit with more) is that I’m not sure EA has anything interesting to offer the beef industry. That is, they don’t need EA to accomplish their goals, and we don’t have any leverage whatsoever from their perspective.
Welp, this is it, this is my FTX , this is the thing that permanently makes me lose all faith In the EA movement. I am deleting my account on here after this message.
I value the work of other groups in the EA community shining a light on exploited animals like fish and invertebrates , that have been largely abandoned by traditional animal rights organizations.
But Every-time you gaze your eyes on “ coventional livestock” It feels like internal sabotage
Wether it’s advocating for changes that Increase Chicken mortality https://docs.google.com/document/d/1mEoaEm9xRuVkX3nWggRPz700RU7_Z_QgRuEtQMWiMbM/edit
Or wanting everyone to stop advocating for animals and being vegan because meat eaters find it annoying https://www.amazon.com/How-Create-Vegan-World-Pragmatic/dp/1590565703/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?adgrpid=55616130466&gclid=Cj0KCQiAtICdBhCLARIsALUBFcHXj_Cq2z0IDy0Hgl82a5MGcaDZkhu9PtV4oc1NbhPRPeui0BhaRBwaAjT2EALw_wcB&hvadid=409977028744&hvdev=m&hvlocphy=9007235&hvnetw=g&hvqmt=e&hvrand=10492759388869879236&hvtargid=kwd-335443252748&hydadcr=12157_11118205&keywords=how+to+create+a+vegan+world&qid=1671462334&sr=8-1
Or giving our money to junk food lobby groups that research suggests don’t help animals at all https://gfi.org/
And now straight up advocating for a world in which animals are still bred and slaughtered as commodities
If I wanted to support groups in bed with the meat industry I would still be giving money to the HSUS
Next time i see the label “Effective Altruism” attached to anything , I’ ll interpret it as the warning colors it is.
I upvoted this despite not personally agreeing with it because I think it’s a good demonstration of the reputational risks associated with this strategy.
Same. I’ll reiterate what I said above: EAs may be at risk of seriously underestimating the friction that exists between animal work within and outside of EA. My worry is that if even the mention of the idea is enough to get this sort of reaction, I suspect things could get even more heated if EAs, in large numbers, were to enthusiastically support an open alliance with an industry that has a mediocre reputation. Not to mention the ways this may plausibly undermine EA’s credibility with environmentalists.
Another point (although something else that I need to sit with more) is that I’m not sure EA has anything interesting to offer the beef industry. That is, they don’t need EA to accomplish their goals, and we don’t have any leverage whatsoever from their perspective.